Bring your own home.

Are you just passing through? Then quickly hit the brakes! Take a break for at least one night and have a look around. Next time, the German Wine Route will probably be your first choice as a holiday destination and you'll just be passing through somewhere else.

For one night, you can park your mobile home in any public car park. But if you want to stay in the area for longer, there are of course places that are more suitable.

One or the other winegrower have a spot ready for you. In Weisenheim am Sand, you can stop at the Ludwigshain recreation area, or you can drive right "up to the edge" at the camper parking site of Autohaus Schmidt in Herxheim am Berg and look out over the Rhine plain from your mobile home.

You will find larger capacities north of Bad Duerkheim at the "In der Silz" camper van site or east of Ungstein at the Knaus Camping Park at Almensee.